This post introduces a collection of short essays on the concept of just war--jus ad bellum and jus in bello. They were prepared by students in the International Law of War and Crime Seminar at Albany Law School, Fall Semester 2012.

By Patrick M. Domery
Patrick Domery, a third-year law student at Albany Law School, graduated from Boston University where he majored in philosophy. He is an Associate Editor of the Albany Law Review. Read the Essay.

By Andrea A. Long
Andrea Long, a third-year student at Albany Law School, is the Executive Editor of the Center for Judicial Process and an Associate Editor of the Albany Law Review. She is a graduate of the Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam. (Her essay will appear in the next post.) Read the Essay

By Michelle K. Mallette
Micky Mallette, a third-year student at Albany Law School, is the Executive Director of the Center for Judicial Process and the Albany Law Review's Executive Editor for State Constitutional Commentary. She is a graduate of the United States Military Academy. (Her essay will appear in the following post.) Read the Essay