Where Are They Now?

Mark Apostolos is a 2013 cum laude graduate of Albany Law School. He graduated from Muhlenberg College where he studied political science and minored in business administration. In law school, he was the Treasurer of the Health Law Society and a Senior Editor for the Government Law Review. He also worked as a research assistant for Professor Elizabeth Renuart, an intern at the Health Law Clinic, and a clerk for United States District Court Judge Mae A. D’Agostino. He was a summer associate at Sullivan Papain Block McGrath & Cannavo P.C. in New York City, where he currently is working.
Mark prepared this paper for Prof. Alexandra Harrington’s course in International Organizations, Fall of 2012.
Automobile emissions standards have long been regulated in the United States and other countries throughout the world. Although these countries all have had similar goals in mind, their laws and regulations have emitted dissimilar ways of addressing them. These differing regulations have run parallel with the auto manufactures' development and manufacture of different vehicles for diverse regions of the world.
This paper explores and traces the differences between the history and framework upon which the United States’ and the European Union’s emissions regulations systems work. The purpose is to determine whether these emissions regulations, with other concerns aside, have had an impact on the automobile industry in these two regions.
To read the paper, open HERE.